You know what I have realized about working with nonprofits? One thing, they all want to grow financially as well as in people participating.
Often times, such orgs encounter great levels of frustration in realizing these goals, from financial constraints to nonconcentric fly-by-night participants and volunteers.
The key is simple for many, to be persistent, be courageous, and don't concede unless the circumstances otherwise tell you to. To the executive directors of the millions of nonprofits and NGO's of the world, be persistent yet calm, maintain a sense of cautious optimism knowing the risks of what you and celebrating graciously and generously the accomplishments you achieve.
Share the special moments with your friends and supporters, respect your adversaries even if you disagree or object to them.
To start it's key to create a credo among participants, like John Wooden's Seven Point Creed which his father gave to him and subsequently passed on to his players.
The points:
-Be true to yourself.
-Make each day your masterpiece.
-Help others.
-Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
-Make friendship a fine art.
-Build a shelter against a rainy day.
-Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.
Secondly, remind the people of the purpose of the cause and reward them for their success. You cannot necessarily incentivize their work monetarily but you can by providing a time to get together and share moments and memories.
I'll never forget my last day at my first job, when I was 17 working for the Los Angeles Conservation Corps, summer 2001. We worked our butts off that summer, but on the last day we celebrated by going to Hometown Buffet and playing arcade games. It wasn't much, but it was fun.
And a mentor of mine just emailed me...BREATHE!
Hope this helps.
-Medhanie Habte
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